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Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023
@inproceedings{Soetens2013ICSM, author = {Quinten Soetens and P{\'e}rez and Serge Demeyer}, booktitle = {Proceedings {ICSM}'2013 (29th International Conference on Software Maintenance) --- ERA Track}, month = sep, note = {Acceptance ratio: 30/70 (ERA Track) = 42.8\%}, title = {An Initial Investigation into Change-Based Reconstruction of Floss-Refactorings}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Today, it is widely accepted that if refactoring is applied in practice, it is mainly interweaved with normal software development --- so called ``floss refactoring''. Unfortunately, the current state-of-the-art is poorly equipped to mine floss refactoring from version histories, mainly because they infer refactorings by comparing two snapshots of a system and making educated guesses about the precise edit operations applied in between. In this paper we propose a solution that reconstructs refactorings not on snapshots of a system but using the actual changes as they are performed in an integrated development environment. We compare our solution against RefFinder and demonstrate that on a small yet representative program (the well-known ``VideoRental system'') our approach is more accurate in identifying occurrences of the ``MoveMethod'' and ``RenameMethod'' refactorings.}, annote = {internationalconference}, top = {A in CORE2013}, doi = {10.1109/ICSM.2013.53}, issn = {1063-6773}, }